Bob the Weasel
This game is great for teaching students to overcome distractions, observe patterns, and timing.
(The Weasel) A small figurine, like a squeaky toy or a bath toy, that can be easily passed from person to person
The Person in the center must figure out who has the weasel at the moment
1. The group stands in a tight circle with one person in the center.
2. Those in the circle start with their hands behind the person on either side them.
3. The person in the center must close their eyes while someone in the circle is given the weasel to start with.
4. All the people in the circle start chanting “Bob the Weasel, keep it going, keep it going” repeatedly.
5. While chanting, the players in the circle continuously try to sneakily pass The Weasel from person to person around the circle, trying to keep it hidden from the player in the Center, by moving their hands back and from behind the other players to behind themselves.
6. The person in the center opens their eyes after the others start chanting and starts trying to figure out who has The Weasel.
7. At every chance the players in the circle get, and when they think the one in the center won’t see it, a person with The Weasel holds it in the air for everyone to see (except the center person), and quickly hides and passes it again.
8. When the Weasel pops up, all those in the circle chant “We saw the Weasel! We saw the Weasel!” and then go back to chanting “Bob the Weasel, keep it going, keep it going” repeatedly.
9. Throughout all this, the person in the Center has 3 or 4 tries (leader’s choice) to guess who has the weasel at that moment.
*If the Center person guesses wrong, then that person shakes their head no and the game chanting and passing keeps going.
*If the Center person guesses correctly, the Center person and the one caught with the Weasel switch places and the game begins again.
*If the Center person guesses wrong all 3 or 4 tries, switch them out with someone else in the circle, so the game stays fresh.