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As with many of our games, there are multiple variations out there, due to the fact that they spread by word-of-mouth first and then began getting written down.  This is the one we use.

Distractions teaches players to overcome distractions, focus, use senses, and find alternate communication techniques.  This game is best with very large groups and a decent amount of space.

The Blind-folded Players must move through the distractions to find each other and link hands.


1.  Pick 5, 6, or more to be the Players.  (This will depend on the size of your group.
   *Players are blind-folded and cannot make speak or make noises with their mouth.  
  *They must find a way to communicate that they are a player to each other and link arms or hold hands, when they find each other.
  *They must also expel any Distractions from their link, that are pretending to be players.
  *The win/end the game by all players being in 1 link and all distractions being expelled from their group.

2. Everyone else, or another group of at least twice to 3 times as many people, become the Distractions to keep the players from linking up, by redirecting, confusing, and disorienting them.
  *Distractions may: have objects such a pool noodles to create obstacles, make noises and speak, pretend to be players by acting blind and attempting to link with other players that aren’t linked yet or that are linked, or lead them away from each other somehow.
  *Distractions may not:  hit, shove, or trip the Players, physically yank linked players apart, or continue to try to link with the same group of linked players once they have been expelled from the link.