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Name chop

As with many of our games, there are multiple variations out there, due to the fact that they spread by word-of-mouth first and then began getting written down.  This is the one we use.

Concentration and Quick reaction skills and getting to know each other.


1. Everyone stands in a big circle.

2. The person starting the game points to themselves with their thumbs and says their name, (“Bob!”) and then puts both hands together and then “chops” straight out pointing to and making eye contact directly with someone else in the circle while calling out “Chop!”

3.  The person that has just been chopped then chops back repeating the first name (“Bob”), points to him/herself and says his/her own name (“Sally”), and then “chops” straight out pointing to and making eye contact directly with someone else in the circle while calling out “Chop!”

4. This will now become a cycle or the new person being chopped must repeat the previous person’s name while chopping back, point to themselves with their thumbs, and then chop a new person while calling out “chop!”    

5. A person is out when they hesitate or mess up the names.

6. When it gets down to only two people, you can thumb wrestle or rock paper scissors for a winner, or congratulate both as winner.