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Zip Zap Zop

This game has many variations on the internet.   This is the one we use

​Concentration and Quick reaction skills.


1. Everyone stands in a big circle.

2. A person in the circle starts by putting their hands together and pointing to someone else in the circle, while saying “Zip.”

3. The person just “Zipped” points to someone else and calls “Zap.”

4. The person just “Zapped” points to someone else and calls “Zop.”

5. The person just “Zopped” points to someone else and calls “Zap.”

6. Now everything reapeats with “Zip,” “Zap,” or “Zop,” in that order.

7. If a player calls out a word in the wrong order or hesitates too long, then they are out and sit down.

8. When it gets down to two players, they can either keep going until one of them gets out (which may or may not take a while) or they can both be declared winners.