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As with many of our games, there are multiple variations out there, due to the fact that they spread by word-of-mouth first and then began getting written down.  This is the one we use.

Possession teaches students to observe what is happening around them and use deduction skills.

Players must figure out who is possessed at that moment, before the next person is possessed or everyone in the group freezes.


1. Players spread out throughout the room or playing space with their eyes closed.

2.  The instructor lightly taps 1 person on the shoulder 2x to activate the 1st possessed player, who then nods or gives a thumbs up to acknowledge they understand.

3.  The instructor moves away from the group and then tells everyone to begin shaking hands (and introducing themselves to one another, if they do not know each other) as well as letting them know how possession is passed from person to person.

4. The Possessor passes from one person to the other by either a double squeeze handshake or using their middle finger to scrape the other person’s palm 2 times as they shake their hand.

5.  A Possessed player does the following:
  *Shakes 3 players hands normal;
   *Shakes the 4th person’s hand to pass the possession; 
  *Shakes 3 more hands normal 
  *Makes some weird noise loudly and freezes after shaking the last hand or  just freezes (depending on if loud noises are okay when/where you are playing).

6.  Players that aren’t possessed yet call out who they think the currently possessed person is when they figure it out, but if they are wrong, they freeze (and make loud noise if playing that way).

7. The game ends when someone guesses or deduces who is currently possessed correctly, or last possessed is the only person left standing.