Our Games
Welcome to Our Games list. Always keep in mind that what we taught in our workshop was just one version of these games. Because many of these games are spread by word of mouth before they are actually published in a book or posted on the web, you may know a slightly different version of these activities or you may call it a totally different name than we do. If you attended this workshop in the past, it may have included some or all of these depending on the length of the workshop or how much we were mixing it up to keep it fresh for the adult and student presenter(s).
Here are the games we taught, as well as a few directives of some of those games.
Chop Games:
Chop style games involve standing in a circle and chopping/pointing to someone else with a command, noise, or information.
Ensemble Building:
Challenges that help build trust, teamwork, and cooperation, and communication skills.
Freeze/Strike a pose:
Be sneaky, move when you can, then strike a pose!
Get up and move:
Activities that are meant to get you up and moving around.
Passing it on:
Pay attention to whats happening around you to deduce the culprit.
“Community Game Glow 20171118” by C.A. Scott.